beg: beginning
BO: bind off
CO: cast on
cont: continue(s)(ing)
dec: decrease(d)(s)(ing)
dpn(s): double-pointed needle(s)
EOR: every other row / round
est: established
garter stitch: Knit all rows when working at. Alternate knit 1 round, purl 1 round when working in the round.
inc: increase(d)(s)(ing)
k: knit
k2tog: knit two stitches together
m: marker
Make 1 left-slanting stitch (M1L): Make one stitch by lifting the bar between stitches from front to back with the left needle. Knit through the back of it with the right needle.
Make 1 right-slanting stitch (M1R): Make one stitch by lifting the bar between stitches from back to front with the left needle. Knit through the front of the stitch with the right needle.
meas: measure(s)(ing)
p: purl
p2tog: purl two stitches together patt(s): pattern(s)
pm: place marker
rem(s): remain(s)(ing)
rep(s): repeat(s)
RS: Right Side
sm: slip marker
ssk: slip, slip, knit
ssp: slip, slip, purl
St st: Stockinette stitch. Knit on the right side, purl on the wrong side. When working in the round, knit all rounds.
st(s): stitch(es)
Wrap and turn (w&t)
RS facing: With yarn in front, slip the next stitch knitwise from the left to the right needle. Move yarn to back. Slip stitch back from the right to the left needle. Turn work. One stitch has been wrapped.
WS facing: With yarn in back, slip the next stitch purlwise from the left to the right needle. Move yarn to front. Slip stitch back from the right to the left needle. One stitch has been wrapped.
WS: Wrong Side