Some beautiful colors of Organik and Fresco just arrived, soon to be added to the knitbot store.
The Fibre Company Organik is the yarn I used for the Lapis Yoke Pullover
Colors that just arrived:
Aquatic Forest
Heather Moorland
Classic Elite Yarn's Fresco is what I used for both the Carrot Cardigan and the Lightweight Pullover.
Colors that just arrived:
Port Royale
Malabrigo Lace, well it's still on it's way. Apparently my order was quite large and so continues to take a long time to fill. Very soon is what I've been told.
I also have 40 copies of Knitscene arriving any day now. Soon we'll be fully stocked!
AND...I promise you I've also been doing some actual knitting, will share soon.