Guest post: Carrie Bostick Hoge

I have stepped away for a few weeks to enjoy my new baby girl. As a gift to you dear knitters I offer you a mini-series of guest posts by some treasured folk from the knitting industry. They share with us what knitting in the summer means for them. Enjoy! Summer and knitting?

Summer is a busy time with a lot of (fun) work to be done in the garden and the yard, with as many trips to the beach one can squeeze in, and with general visiting and traveling to see friends and family. And as a knitter, I must admit, it is hard for me to work on large projects while summer’s ensued.

Thank goodness for my recent linen dishcloth obsession. A few years ago my husband and I traveled to Sweden on our honeymoon, and it was there that I bought myself a gorgeous hand-woven linen cloth. Of course, I treasured it for a few years before I could bring myself to actually use it. But now that I have, this cloth is all I want to use when cleaning up my kitchen. Must. Make. More. Using Sparrow by Quince & Co., I am committed to making a few during these summer months.

And, because I just can’t help myself, I also have a baby sweater in the works. I LOVE knitting for my daughter—projects are quick to finish, giving a sense of accomplishment without too many hours of knitting. Knowing I get to see my little one decked out in hand-made clothes this Fall surely makes me smile.

Another thing I think of when the words “summer” and “knitting” arise, is the absence of knitting. Giving my needles a bit of a break leaves my mind a little freer to wander, to dream, and to get inspired for all knit-wooly-things come Fall. I’d say by the end of August I’m so anxious for the cool breeze to blow some worsted weight my way, that I’m kind of thankful for the short summer reprieve in which to rest and rejuvenate.

- Carrie Bostick Hoge